In an interview with Howard Stern to promote his latest movie The Dilemma, the producer of The Dark Tower adaptation for movie and TV revealed a little bit more about his plans for the TV series. The known plan is three movies and two TV series. Howard revealed the plan would at least the first TV program is a six hour mini-series. Chances are if that is successful then the second TV series would be the same. He also verified the recent rumor that Viggo Mortensen and Javier Bardem are his frontrunners for the role of Roland Deschain.
Exactly how the seven book Dark Tower series and the comic book series that fills out more of the back story and youth of Roland will be broken up remains unknown. I wouldn't be surprised if story points, flashbacks and details that flesh out the epic (like Roland's youth and fall of Gilead) but not needed to understand the trilogy will be relegated to the TV series. Despite its length, there is plenty that could be cut from the epic that non-Dark Tower fans wouldn't miss and something like a TV series is a good way to service those stories. Besides, I just don't see either frontrunner agreeing to a TV series outside of a cameo appearance and the producers probably are not going to push it as paying the salary would be very expensive.
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